Max Coverage of Segments

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Nathaniel Sep 03, 2018

Problem Description

Given a total of N elements, find the largest coverage we can get after removing one segment.


Input: [[5,9], [1,4], [3,7]]

Output: 7

Explanation: By removing [3,7], the remaining segments covers a total length of 7

Input format: the first line contains the length of the array; all following lines are the start and end of segments.

The example above corresponds to:

5 9
1 4
3 7

System Design

The Segment Class

The Segment class represents a segment (as a line in the input file), with a start and an end.

This class is designed to be a hashable and immutable model class (although the immutability usually cannot be enforced in Python).

In addition to hash and equals, it provides several useful functions:

size()Returns the size of the segment
covers(other)Tells if the current segment covers another segment
overlaps(other)Tells if the current segment overlaps with another segment
intersection(other)Return the intersection segment of the current and another segment

The FileEngine Class

Each FileEngine object is in charge of a pair of input/output files.

An instance can be created by FileEngine(file_id), and it provides two functions:

read()Read the raw input file and return a list of Segment objects
write(int)Write an integer to the output file




First, we sort the Segments array according to their start time. This can be achieved in $O(n log(n))$ time.

Remove Sub-segments

Then, for each Segment object in the sorted array, we remove all following segments that it covers. This can be achieved in $O(n)$ time.

Find Redundancy

If there exists an segments[i] such that segments[i-1] overlaps with segments[i+1], we call segments[i] “redundant”, because the overall coverage will NOT be affected after it is removed.

If a redundant segment is found, we simply calculate and return the coverage of the remaining segments.

Properties of Segment Array

After pre-processing, we have a segment array with some special properties.

Consider any three consecutive segments in the array, segments[i-1], segments[i] and segments[i+1], the following properties can be ensured:

segments[i-1].start <= segments[i].start <= segments[i+1].startSorted
segments[i-1].end < segments[i].end < segments[i+1].endNO sub-segments
segments[i-1].end < segments[i+1].startNO redundancy (in other words, segments[i-1] and segments[i+1] are disjoint)

With such properties, the coverage of remaining segments after removing a segments[i] can be calculated by an addition of:

  • Total coverage from segments[0] to segments[i-1]
  • Total coverage from segments[i+1] to segments[-1]

Two-pass DP

The core algorithm uses a two-pass dynamic programming technique, once forward and another backward.

There are two arrays: forward and backward.

forward[i] stores the total coverage from segments[0] to segments[i], and backward[i] stores the total coverage from segments[i] to segments[-1] (both ends included).

Hence, the first element in forward should be the size() of the first segment.

Then, from the second segment, for each segments[i], we compute the combined total coverage up until that element, forward[i], using three values we already have:

  • segments[i-1]
  • segments[i]
  • forward[i-1]

If segments[i-1] and segments[i] does NOT overlap, the current total coverage forward[i] can be calculated by forward[i-1] + segments[i].size().

Otherwise, we need to calculate the intersection by calling segments[i].intersection(segments[i-1]), and then forward[i] = forward[i-1] + segments[i].size() + intersection.size()

After we fill up the forward array, we do the same in the reverse order to generate the backward array.

Once we have both the forward and backward arrays, finding the maximum coverage is super easy. For any element in between (not the first/last), the total coverage without it is simply forward[i-1] + backward[i+1].

Finally, we compare all coverages above and forward[-2], backward[1] to get the maximum.